Thursday, September 18, 2008

My first post EVER!

Ok (sigh), so I caved...what can I say peer pressure works...thats why people take drugs and get pregnant and all that good stuff. But I must say I LOVE LOVE LOVE how the blog looks and its all thanks to my almost twin Cori G.,who has also been the one who almost hog-tied me until I started a blog. (smile) So here's to you Cori G. I love you and this post is dedicated to you!! You ROCK!


Just A Girl said...

Peer pressure huh? Well, at least you held out long enough. It must have been that proximity thingy.
Ooh! Excellent reason why not to date! Hee Hee!
:) Cori G.

Just A Girl said...

What a darling blog! I like it more every time I see it.
Oh Fiffers there's this funny frog award on my blog for you. You jst have to copy and paste it into your side bar so you'll be able to see him everyday!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hello friend of Cori! I am her friend in Brooklyn, NY! We met through our blogs so you cna see that blogging leads to wonderful things. Please drop by and say hello.

Hugs, Pat

PS LOVE your blog name!